*Great lady*
Fine, elegant, sensual and sexy iras with this dress in black signature Vero modern tone. This dress comes in several mesh sizes and with his stole when comes out cold. Hair is a medium hair that comes in perfect with this dress fatpack Letituier. Finally took a pair of earrings and necklace of 187 both designs you'll find them in Color Me.
Fina , elegante , sensual y sexy iras con este vestido en tono negro de la firma Vero Modero. Este vestido viene en varias tallas mesh y con su estola para cuando salga el frio. El pelo es de Letituier un media melena que viene en fatpack perfecto con este vestido. Para acabar llevo unos pendientes y collar de 187 ambos diseños podreis encontrarlos en Color Me.
Dress [VM] VERO MODERO / Fur Winter Set
Hair {Letituier} Sunshine Hair - Fatpack in Color Me
Jewelry #187# Handcuffs Leather Black V2.0 BOX (Add Me) in Color Me
Brazalet Club Jewelry Set Onyx in Color Me
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