domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016

*Tunic & IOS in Color Me* 
  Sunday and I bring you a new signature Vero modern design. A set in several mesh sizes and several colors comfortable to walk around the corners of SL. The poses that I have used on this occasion are IOS and will be to you in the event Color Me.

 Domingo y os traigo un nuevo diseño de la firma Vero Modero . Un conjunto en varias tallas mesh y de varios colores comodo para ir a pasear por los rincones de SL. La poses que he usado en esta ocasion son de IOS y estaran para ti en el evento Color Me.
Outfit [VM] VERO MODERO / F Tunic Set Pink and BLue
Poses IOS 6 Poses with Balloons (multicolor) in Color Me

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