*M&M in The Hisper Fair 2016*

  Starts the event The Hisper Fair 2016 and I bring you two precious gifts, chic sunglasses and a bag that you can combine with the beautiful dress mesh of the firm M&M and that you can change your textures with simple ways. This dress comes also with their glasses popcorn, your handbag in heart shape and a pair of boots for feet slink.

 Comienza el evento The Hisper Fair 2016 y os traigo dos preciosos regalos , unas gafas muy chic y un bolso que podras combinar con el precioso vestido mesh de la firma M&M y que podras cambiar sus texturas con el sencillo hud. Este vestido viene tambien con sus gafas rositas , su bolso de mano en forma de corazon y unas botas para pies slink.
DRESS M&M-KRISTY DRESS MESH in The Hisper Fair 2016
Gifts  M&M STYLE-MOUSTACHE BAG & M&M STYLE-GLASSES  in The Hisper Fair 2016
