I bring you news of the signing Resun, a beautiful outfit consisting of pants several sizes mesh, jacket and top also in several mesh sizes, both designs bring a hud to make change and do combinations of colors that more you like. The shoes I have on this occasion are signature [i] and will be to you in the event Pixra Event, valid for feet slink, beauty and maitreya.
Os traigo novedades de la firma Resun , un precioso outfit que consta de pantalon en varias tallas mesh , chaqueta y top tambien en varias tallas mesh, ambos diseños traen un hud para que cambies y hagais combinaciones de los colores que mas os gusten. Los zapatos que llevo en esta ocasion son de la firma [i] y estaran para ti en el evento Pixra Event , valen para pies slink, belleza y maitreya.
Pants Res_Molly Pants Fat Pack Hud in Resun
Tops and Jacket Res_Molly Tops and jackets Fat Pack Hud in Resun
Shoes [i] Wrapped Stilettos in Pixra Event
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