*Elegance in black, red and turquoise*

Since the signing Sartoria Italiana several dresses I bring in three shades of black, red and turqueoise, combined with their shoes to slink feet can combine with any of the dresses since their textures are ideal and multiple combinations.

Desde la firma Sartoria Italiana os traigo varios vestidos en tres tonos negro, rojo y turqueoise , combinado con sus zapatos para pies slink que podras combinar con cualquiera de los vestidos ya que sus texturas son ideales y con multiples combinaciones.

Minidress:  Pelle minidress black + Pelle minidress Red & Pelle minidress turquoise en SARTORIA ITALIANA
Shoes: Black&3 pack + Pack 4 Total & Coloured Points 1 Shoe Pack in SARTORIA ITALIANA
