*EccentriciXi in Fresh Style and PerveTTe in The Hisper Fair 2015*

In the last days of Fresh Style I bring a complete outfit EccentriciXi signature consisting of a dress with a very spring Matching your shoes to slink feet texture. Tattoos that I take are of the firm * * PerveTTe come in two gold and black tones are exclusive to The Hisper Fair 2015 which starts on 1st of February.

En los ultimos dias de Fresh Style os traigo un outfit completo de la firma EccentriciXi que consta de un vestido con una textura muy primaveral a juego de sus zapatos para pies slink. Los tatuajes que llevo son de la firma *PerveTTe* vienen en dos tonos dorado y negro estan en exclusiva en The Hisper Fair 2015 que comienza el dia 1 de febrero.

Tatuajes-*PerveTTe* [Tattoo] HipLeaf [1]
*PerveTTe* [Tattoo] HipLeaf [2] in The Hisper Fair 2015
Vestido- ~EccentriciXi~ FS in Fresh Style
Bangles- Baubles! by Phe HighGlossBangles&Ring Box
