*Elegance in the cold*
Arriving almost eve I bring a dress from the firm Izzie very sexy and elegant for that night or any time of the day. You will be able to find it in various shades and come in various mesh sizes. The cushion the bear's signature Serenity Style. The shoes that I (and posted) are of elegant high heels and you can change its color with the hud it brings. Bracelets and ring wear on this occasion are Baubles !. Hair (already posted) is tameless.
Llegando casi la noche vieja os traigo un vestido de la firma IZZIE muy sexy y elegante para esa noche o para cualquier momento del dia. Podreis encontrarlo en varios tonos y vienen en varias tallas mesh. El cojin del osito es de la firma Serenity Style. Los zapatos que llevo (ya posteados) son de tacon alto elegantes y podeis cambiar su color con el hud que trae. Los brazaletes y anillo que llevo en esta ocasion son de Baubles!. El pelo (ya posteado) es de Tameless.
<IS> Corset Dress black and brown With Tutu Skirt
Serenity Style- Warm Teddy Cushions
.:TBO:. Classic pumps all colors- Slink high
Baubles! by Phe TheSceneBangles&Rings 88th DC Box
Tameless Hair Queenie - Mega Pack
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