*Last Day in Omg Room*

Omg the fourth round of Room ends and I bring about JK Designs -. Lushish Catz and B-Dazzled. Do not fail to passed through there before they close this edition.

Se acaba la cuarta ronda de Omg Room y os traigo unos diseños de JK.- Lushish Catz y B-DaZZled. No dejeis de pasaron por alli antes que cierren esta edicion.
Los pelos y accesorios son de Tameless  y Baubles!.
::JK:: Ava
Lushish Catz - Destiny - Mesh outfit & Tameless Hair Sybil - Mega Pack
{B-DaZZled} - SexMeh Spike Heels (Coal) --{B-DaZZled} - RockerChic Dress & Baubles! by Phe WhiteTigersClawBangles for 77th DC  Box
TP to Baubles!
TP to Tameless
