* Comfortable *
Comfortable and current asiras with these two designs of the Elysian firm. A top combined with leggings that will make a perfect set, valid both designs for all mesh bodies. You can change color with your simple hud and combine everything to your liking. Comoda y actual asi iras con estos dos diseños de la firma Elysian . Un top combinado con unos leggings que haran un conjunto perfecto , validos ambos diseños para todos cuerpos mesh. Podras cambiar de color con su sencillo hud y combinar todo a tu gusto. TOP [E] Frankie Top Boxed in Elysian LEGGINGS [E] Queen Leggings (unpacked) in Elysian HAIR Stealthic - Paradox (Bento Fitted) BODY Maitreya Lara HEAD Catwa Head