*[NYNE] & [HU] in Designer Circle*
Quedan pocos dias para que acabe esta ronda en Designer Circle y la firma [HU] nos trae un vestido y bolero a juego en varios colores validos para todos cuerpos mesh Belleza, Maitreya Lara y Slink. El pelo un recogido y trenza a un lado , tambien está en el evento y es de la firma [NYNE] un fatpack en varios tonos . Las botas perfectas para este vestido y pelo son de MOoH ( ya posteadas ) con un hud y diferentes colores . Few days left so finish this round in Designer Circle and the firm [HU] brings a dress and bolero to play in various valid colors for all bodies mesh beauty, Maitreya Lara and Slink. Hair a collected and braid to one side, also is in the event and is [NYNE] signature a fatpack in various shades. The perfect boots for this dress and hair are Mooh'tah (already posted) with a hud and different colors. *BOOTS* MOoH! Effie boots *HAIR* [NYNE] 'Viola' Hair - FATPACK in Designer Circle *DRESS* [HU] Barbara Dress_Whi...